Morning Glories,
Dear Lord , Thank you so much for all the wonderful friends who are concerned and praying for me ! I am blessed with beautiful friends ! I ask that you Bless their hearts with your peace ! In Jesus Name , Amen
Well here I am a few days later ,Im still alive ... but Ive been through hell and back !! I cant even believe whats happened to me in one week ? I am totally stunned !!! and my world has been turned upside down and topsy turvy !! Somehow (after the Bronchitis sickness) my lungs I guess kinda reacted to the bacteria in my lungs...its because I have Auto Immune Diseases RA & UC .. so the lungs reacted to the foriegn bacteria in my airways and completely got inflamed ..just like my joints do ...only...when your lungs get inflamed ..guess what .... cant breathe ... so needless to say ..Ive been in 2 different ER's and had 5 different breathing treatments .. been to Drs 3 times ..Pulmonary Function tests .... and now Im on about 8 new meds 2 breathers ! Ive also decided to NEVER EVER smoke again ! It was a pretty easy decision when you cant even breathe ..I know now how precious air in my lungs are now ! I wish I didnt have to find out the hard way but I did..and I quit ! And this too is another difficult thing to deal with during all this ..but I am willfully going to do it no matter how hard this all is ! I am relying very HARD on my Lord Jesus right now for every bit of this ..insane crazy surprise event thats jumped violently into my life and totally disrupted it and all my plans ! ..But thats why I am writing today say ..I am NOT giving up on my dreams !! I will get through every bit of this crazy sickness ..Im gonna fight with ALL I have in me ..which is Jesus !! My Rock and my Fortress ! With Him I will go through this and I am still in peace and joy even during the most difficult times of all this ..because I know that Jesus is carrying me through it all ! His ways I dont always understand ..but His Arms are always carrying me !
So I will be coming back and still doing my projects's going to be a little slow til Im feeling better but I will continue my dreams ! So please keep checking back I promise I will have some completed projects done in a couple weeks !! And thanks again to all who are praying for me ! I really feel them !
Blessings & Peace,
I will keep you in prayer sis....*love you*