( kot'ij ), n. 1. A small family dwelling ; a hut ; a cot . Cottage is now applied to any modest country or suburban dwelling . 2.A shed used for temporary shelter for man or beast. One of several detached houses forming a hotel , a city or country house of one story though sometimes with attic rooms. 3. A very peaceful ,relaxing , home or cabin filled with cozy, comfortable ,carefree, time worn, vintage furniture and accessories . 4. A place to rest and rejuvenate.

December 13, 2011

The Attic Pictures ! Finally ...

Morning Glories~

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving ...we sure did ! And I'm sure everyone is now getting ready for the big day Dec 25th Christmas! I'm having so much fun making all the cool DIY crafts I have found on Pinterest for Christmas gifts and decor in our home...but that's my next blog ..this one is the "Attic Finds" photos ...finally they are here ..and I have to apologize for the delay...I made it up to the attic okay..and found almost everything that I was looking for and more {except the wire basket} ...but when I tried to take some photos of all I had found my camera decided to act up ..I tried using my sons Cannon but it is way to complicated for me... I am trying to learn so hopefully you will find better quality photos in the near future ! well without any further a due the cool treasures I found up in my attic ~

This is the old Westclock that I was looking for.. Yeah !! I love this clock ..isn't it so cool and vintage ~

This was inside of an old "Teen Beat" magazine I had among some of the things I had saved from my tween years ! Sea Monkeys ..too funny !

Some fun vintage stuff Grandmothers bottle of Johnson's baby oil ..a few of my Grandfathers movie childhood Mary Poppins spoon {that came from a box of cereal 40 yrs ago}...and my Great Grandmothers crystal {what I say is candle holders but my Mom tells me they were actually used for dab your green onions into ?} I will have to do some research on this one 

      These are my dolls from when I was around 8 yrs old { they need some help !}

                    This is one of the hundreds of salt and pepper shakers that my Great Grandmother collected... a sea horse and sea weed ...isn't it darling !

Two beautiful pieces of Roseville Pottery Grandmothers... the bigger piece has a broken handle ..but I think it's still precious !

My older sister made this for me is a reverse painting ..She is really talented ~

I picked up this vintage baseball glove years ago from a yard sale ..I guess I just couldn't part with it ?{sorry about the fuzzy pic quality}

My other Great Grandmother "Martha May Minnick " initials engraved on the back ..sweet ~

My two treasured bottles ...I know that the vintage Coke bottle I got from an old country store during our road trip family vacation to Florida in the 70's [yes I saved it all these years ..what can I say I've always been a collector } the Pepsi bottle I do not remember where it came from but I know it was from many years ago ...and the white enamel chamber pot was one of my very first yard sale finds ! 

Another one of my Grandmothers treasures ..this always sat on her dresser in her room ..I used to tell her over and over how much I loved this ...why did I ever pack this up there ? { oh yeah ...cause I had two toddler boys} All grown up now time to keep this out on my dresser now ~

A collectors pack of retired Crayola crayons I love crayons !
{sorry another blur job ...I told you my camera is horrible} Maybe Santa will bring me a new one ?

Some of my sons baby shoes ..oh the memories ...I had a good cry {these are not vintage or even very interesting ...but they are priceless to me !}

I found this relic up in the attic ..1946 Buffalo News ...I don't think this was mine ...I believe it was left up there by the previous owners ...some really interesting ads in here ...

Imagine that.. 20 cents for a

 They just tore The Aud down last summer sad many memories there for me ...
Clark Gable movies ...sweet 

My sweet Grandmother {God rest her soul} made these for me ..she was so amazingly talented she sewed everything by hand ..and crocheted...did cross stitch... quilts and so many beautiful things ..these are so special to me ..I think I will re-frame these and hang them up in my workshop so she will always inspire me with her awesome work ! 

I hope you enjoyed my fun treasure hunting adventure as much as I did! I never found the wire basket ..oh well ..but I did find the clock and I found so many wonderful family treasures and even better many beautiful memories of my family and my childhood..and that will never fade ...never be lost..only kept locked up in my heart ...forever ~

Blessings and Peace ~

November 23, 2011

Attic Hunting

Morning Glories...
I first want to wish you all a very Blessed Thanksgiving ! May God richly bless you and your loved ones ..and fill your Thanksgiving table with delicious yummies...dear loved ones ...and much laughter ! I always enjoy this day and giving thanks to my Lord Jesus for all He has blessed me with He is so good all the time !

I thank my God upon every remembrance of you ...
Phil 1:3

Ok about the attic hunting  ...well this started out by me ..trying to find a few pieces that I used to own ...only to discover that they have strangely disappeared ? Like for instance I used to own the coolest metal wire gym locker basket ...I have had it for around 15 yrs ...I have used it in many different ways throughout the years ..from holding all my socks together in my holding magazines on top of my coffee table..the last I used it ...was at my very first Flea Market venue .. it was holding my vintage linens on top of a table ..oh it looked so pretty that way ..and I had painted it white just for this occasion ..I know that I packed it up after this show ... the next show I took my linens out of it and into another place {a dresser}...that was the last I remember ?? I have looked high and low ..but it is nowhere and I just can't understand it ? I truly hope that somehow I have just misplaced it and try not to think that it was walked off with ? Could that even be possible..I hope not ? Anyway ...I also used to own a beautiful antique alarm clock it was brown metal and half round very very cool looking ...again I have looked everywhere for this clock where I thought I would find it..and ...nothing !
But ...I have not gone up into the dreaded attic yet ..why ?? ...because I'm afraid to go up there ! I know that once up inside it I will have to go through approximately 25-30 tubs of stuff ..mostly my two sons worth of  baby things.. papers and artwork... but there are those tubs which are full of many old treasured heirlooms ...and some filled with antiques I have picked up through the years...and pictures...and old decor items I just couldn't part with at my yard sales...there is furniture up there too ..some really old pieces...and my wedding memories as well ...I wouldn't mind actually... seeing my gown again... it's been quite a while ! 
So what I'm going to do is get very brave ..dress warm ...and march up those stairs and start hunting hopefully ..I will find the things that are missing ..but even better ...find some really cool things that I can dust off and display once again or for the very first time ...actually I'm thinking this is gonna be kinda fun ...Exploring my very own attic !
Stay tuned for the post in a few days... of all the things that I found... I will have photos !

Blessings & Peace ,

November 02, 2011

Vintage Labels

Morning Glories ~
Well... I have finally succumbed  to the fact that I am addicted to Pinterest! Once you start pinning's so hard to stop. So many beautiful photos to admire, adore and be inspired by... you name it and it is there ...the beautiful photography just never ends and everyday there are so many new pins. I'm finding now I can barely go to sleep unless I have checked in on my board and pinned at least a few a night . One of my favorites to check on is DIY or crafting ..of which there are so many amazing ideas to choose from !
As usual... I peeked in on Pinterest last night and there was thee coolest {is that a word ?} printable vintage label ...I clicked on that and it brought me to a board that was filled with all kinds of printable vintage labels... and how to creatively use them... I cannot wait to print these up and start using them in some of my work ! I am in love ...
I thought I would share some of them with you...

   This is the first one I that it's about COFFEE
         I can't wait to strip some cans 
         and use these vintage can labels on them !

These vintage post card printables are beautiful ! 

     Love these vintage vegetables labels...    

     Isn't this just lovely....
 for using on old bottles or making tags.

  A few more vegetable labels...
I can only imagine all the ways 
to use these beauties...

I've already used this one 
 below on my blog !

More cool tags
I absolutely love these ...
I'm going to make some coasters 
using these and old CD's 

I'm going to use these vintage tags
on my vintage luggage...

These are Free Printables from
"Just Something I Made"

These are all free to download and print up ...
Thanks to "Graphics Fairy" and Just "Something I Made" 
A few of these I was unable to find the source 
but I got them via "Pinterest" so I'm sure 
you can also find them there ! 
If you happen to know the source ..
please let me know so I can credit them. 
I hope you have as much fun with these as I will ...
Happy pinning, printing and creating !!! 

Blessings & Peace 


October 29, 2011

I will not give up...

Morning Glories ~
I hope this day finds you happy and well ! As for me I am having some bumps in the road of running my new business. It hasn't stolen my joy or interrupted my peace {I refuse to let anything ever again do that} it is more of what I am calling, admittedly, some senior moments possibly, or maybe just a learning curve ..ball ? LOL Ok Here's the dilemma...I am and Blogger challenged. I have also noticed , I have some photography issues.I have been reading and really enjoying all the amazing Blogs {posted below}...Oh how they inspire me ..they are filled with so many creative and inspiring art forms and in so many ways, the crafts, the home decor, the writing, and the unbelievably beautiful photography! I am truly in awe of these amazing women, their blogs and their art forms. I know I know,
I shouldn't compare ...I keep telling myself that, but I really do not. I understand that I am a newbie, and I am so far behind in the tech and computer world ,after all, I am a baby boomer, just on the cusp anyway. I was not learned the ways of the new tech world growing up and I do give myself some credit for all I have taught myself so far and I do mean ALL BY MYSELF !It is fun to learn and it keeps me challenged and young ,dare I say. But be it what it is, if I want to keep going with my new business... learn and stretch my wings I must! I will not give up ! I will find a way {with Gods help} to learn better how to photograph..get my Etsy shop started ...write better...and maybe, just maybe in my own little way inspire someone, but even better make some new friends!
I recently re-designed my blog and called it by a new name "White Barn Country Cottage" instead of "White Barn Cottage Decor"...I will keep the old name just for the business aspect of it. I am also going to do some fun things on special days or holidays like Thrifty Thursdays {show all the great treasures I found}...or Fun Fridays {share something amusing that happened to me} Iv'e got some ideas floating around this baby boomer mind of mine and I'm hoping this is a good step in trying to create a more user friendly and interesting blog. I hope you feel the same! Let me know what you think ..I would love to hear your thoughts.
And behold "ALL THINGS ARE NEW" even my blog !
Blessings & Peace~

September 29, 2011

My Son Edwards Photography

Isn't this beautiful ? This is my son Edwards photography ( I added the scripture to it )...I am so very proud of him ! He is just 22 yrs old and he has just started doing photography ..I personally think he has a gift ..but that's just me, I'm a little bit biased of course. My son has gone through some really difficult challenges and struggles in his life ..and he is still trying to turn his life around ..I am starting to see ,through his work , what I always knew what was so very deep down inside of his heart..something that has been hard for others to see because of his outward tough exterior and actions...but a Mother knows their children ..and I will never give up on this child of mine. What comes out in his photography tells me all about him is a place in him that has always been so very hard for him to convey ...but I see it ..and I always have maybe others who have had a hard time understanding him will too. Look at these photos ..can you see it ? He has love in his heart is very deep inside ..and he doesn't express it the way most do because of his challenges...but it is starting to find it's way to the surface through his work ...He also loves the outdoors ..he always has been and always will be my little jungle boy...where was Edward when all the other kids were playing basketball or watching TV he was up inside of trees ..always always in the trees ..or digging in the dirt...or hiking in some woods ...he is a total nature boy ..his dream is to live in a handmade cabin in the wilderness in the forest somewhere and live off the land ...he's a pioneer in the wrong place and time ..but he can live his dream through his beautiful art ..and he can show the world he has love and knows beauty ...finally through his camera... I hope you enjoy his work as much as I do ....


                                      Photography by Edward Szulist

            I hope you enjoyed his work ..these are his very first photos ...I think he did amazing for the first time behind a Canon camera !