( kot'ij ), n. 1. A small family dwelling ; a hut ; a cot . Cottage is now applied to any modest country or suburban dwelling . 2.A shed used for temporary shelter for man or beast. One of several detached houses forming a hotel , a city or country house of one story though sometimes with attic rooms. 3. A very peaceful ,relaxing , home or cabin filled with cozy, comfortable ,carefree, time worn, vintage furniture and accessories . 4. A place to rest and rejuvenate.

August 11, 2010

I actually finished a project !

Morning Glories,

Dear Lord, I thank you for your precious word to start my day ...this warm cup of coffee in my hand ..and for this beautiful day ! May we always remember where this overflow comes from ...You ! Amen
Well , it's not too much , but at least it is a finished project ! It started out just an old wood frame that I rescued out of the garbage When I saw it laying there ..I already knew the possibilities... and then I found a picture in a magazine that I fell in love with ..the saying in the pic I used in my blog because it just captures exactly what I feel in my heart ..about this type of work ! And the picture says it all to me ..comfy, cozy, peaceful ,places even though this isnt some huge masterpiece ..I know .. it really is just fitting that it is the first completed rescued project !
I did manage to get a bunch of things ready to paint yesterday as well ...all taped up and ready, but the air quality was really bad here yesterday ..and with all my lung issues ..I just did not feel comfortable being outside ..and especially spray painting ? ..I have a heavy duty respirator mask ..but Im still just a little nerveous yet using spray paint ..If the air is good today and not humid at all I may try and paint a couple pieces ! I really want to sand the table that Im going to put the florida map in and post cards ..but still a little afraid to sand yet too ? I can always sew the new sling seat for the antique beach chair ...this should be pretty easy ?
I am posting the pics of my Hot Pepper Jelly too ..Im so proud of my first batch ! And Im going to make another batch next week when more Jalapenos come in ..cause I gave all mine away already ! Oh well thats the fun of making it !! Im also going to post a pic of my silly sunflower's hysterical is growing like crazy ..its up above the cable and telephone wires now ..and yet it has small heads all over the top of it ? It is the strangest sunflower I have ever grown ..and Im worried about it blowing into those wires .. also this gives the squirrels a perfect way to get to the heads and chomp them off ? All the other sunflowers seem ok !
Its been a strange summer for flowers this year for sure anyways ! Too hot !
Well Im ready to go and find some work to do ! Enjoy your day and I pray you also find peace in your day today!
Blessings & Peace,

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